100 million dollars
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100 million dollars
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Did you ever ask yourself, "What would I do if I had 100 million dollars?"
What could you do with 100 million dollars?
If you do not know what you would do with 100 million dollars,
if you do not have a gameplan,
if you are not clear and committed about what you would do with 100 million dollars,
why should anyone give them to you?
Do you value what you value?
Or are there inner forces at work blocking you from valuing what you value?
Do you even know what you value?
Or are you a Zombie, pretending to value what everyone else seems to value even if you do not actually value it?
These are serious quest-ions.
Letting them eat at you could change your life for the better.
What you would do with 100 million dollars reflects your values.
What are your values?
What do you actually value?
An uninitiated adolescent, not yet Radically Free, still imprisoned in the reactions of their Survival Strategy, has very different needs and values from a free and natural initiated adult.
Where are you?
Let's have a look.
Get out your Beep! Book and start writing very clear and specific answers to this question: What would I do with 100 million dollars.
When you have made your list, please send it to us so we can share your inspired clarity with others.
Fear of Money
This is an Experiment.
Get out your wallet right now and count how much cash you are carrying around in it.
How much is it?
Is it $4.87?
Is it $62?
Is it $173?
How would you feel about carrying around $500 cash in your wallet?
What are your feelings coming up while you think about this idea?
What would be your Reasons for not carrying around $500 cash in your wallet?
To what degree do you think your Reasons are shaping your abilities, your emotions, and your actions?
Write out your Reasons in your Beep! Book. All of them.
Bring your written Reasons to your Possibility Team. Read your Reasons out loud to everyone there. Ask them to share their Reasons with you. Discuss the consideration of whether each person's Reasons might be true or not.
This Experiment is to do ALL of the Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) that are in the way of you being Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, and Present carrying around at least $500 cash in your wallet.
And then prove it.
For at least the next year, carry around at least $500 cash in your wallet.
How much money do you have altogether? What is your net worth in total?
Is it plus?
Or is it minus? Are you living on borrowed resources?
How much resistance do you have to being Clear with knowing or sharing the exact figures?
What is that about?
Do you think that how much money you have 'in the bank' or 'in properties' reflects on your self worth?
Why not?
Is there any chance that you might be lying to yourself about that?
This Experiment is to open to a fresh page in your Beep! Book and title it WHAT I WILL DO WITH 100 MILLION DOLLARS.
Write the date and place you are making this list.
The specify each amount and each use and purpose of the money.
You have not earned this money. It is simply provided to you to Steward powerfully.
Be clear and specific about exactly where you will direct the funds, how you will manage the outcome you are aiming for.
Make sure your total adds up to the full $100,000,000.00.
Then send your list to us so we can inspire others here on this website.
(revised 20 January 2025 by Clinton Callahan in Chania, Crete)1. $10 million to bring it to Law in all countries of the world that to hold any position of power in public service, one must first have a clean bill of health regarding the brain scan test for psychopathy. No one is permitted a position of corporate, governmental, religious, or military power if they have psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies. psychopath.mystrikingly.com and whatnow.mystrikingly.com
2. $13 million to amplify Universal Jurisdiction agencies for war crimes, economic crimes, and corporate ecological crimes, putting real people into real prisons around the world, e.g. the imprisoned Icelandic bankers here and here.
a. Center for Justice and Accountability cja.org/who-we-are/
b. International JusticeResource Center ijrcenter.org/cases-before-national-courts/domestic-exercise-of-universal-jurisdiction/
c. New Zealand’s International Crimes and International Criminal Court Act 2000 defines war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute, and its section8(1)(c) provides that individuals may be prosecuted in New Zealand for these crimes regardless of “(i) the nationality or citizenship of the person accused; or (ii) whether or not any act forming part of the offence occurred in New Zealand; or (iii) whether or not the person accused was in New Zealand at the time that the act constituting the offence occurred or at the time a decision was made to charge the person with an offence.”
d. Canada is another example of a State that provides domestic exercise of Universal Jurisdiction, in its Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act of 2000. For genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes as defined in the Act, section 9(1) provides that proceedings may commence in any territorial division in Canada for those offenses “alleged to have been committed outside Canada for which a person may be prosecuted under this Act […], whether or not the person is in Canada.”
e. corteidh.or.cr/tablas/R06755-2.pdf
f. International Criminal Court https://www.icc-cpi.int/3. $10 million to further the expansion of #2 above, to capture and bring to the International Criminal Court for crimes against Gaia specific heads of state, heads of corporations, and heads of religious sects, starting with:
a. George W. Bush (USA)
b. Richard ‘Dick’ Cheney (USA)
c. Vladimir Putin (Russia)
d. Bashar al-Assad (Syria)e. Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel)
f. Kim Jong-un (North Korea)
e. Etc.4. $15 million to organize the International Kaitiaki Foundation, an armed and focused agency for protecting old growth forests, reefs, water tables, rivers, lakes, oceans, deserts, wetlands, threatened species, endangered species, and minerals in the ground including methane (fracking), lithium, oil, and deep sea mining, through implementing Kaitiaki Forces such as the Akashinga . The intention is to create new Teams and multiply by 15 times the effectiveness of:
a. Sea Shepherd https://www.seashepherdglobal.org/who-we-are/fleet/
b. Akashinga Founder & CEO Damien Mander. akashinga.org
c. Enforcing the 2023 UN High Seas Treaty.5. $15 million to gamify startoverxyz.mystrikingly.com the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building awareness-expanding thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game with over 700 interlinked websites that empower a world full of Edgeworkers edgeworker.mystrikingly.com
6. $5 million to fund direct-action interventions of the Derrick Jensen / Max Wilbert Deep Green Resistance Team deepgreenresistance.org
7. $5 million to fund Alan Savory Holistic Land Management to massive expansion around the globe, especially in Africa, USA, South America, and Asia https://savory.global/holistic-management/
8. $10 million to create the Hidden University as a 'Bridgehouse' which delivers:
a. Rage Club rageclub.mystrikingly.com
b. Fear Club fearclub.mystrikingly.com
c. Bridgehouse Gameworld Spaceholding bridgehouse.mystrikingly.com
d. Expand The Box expandthebox.mystrikingly.com
e. Possibility Labs possibilitylabs.mystrikingly.com
f. Empirical Research becomeanexperimenter.mystrikingly.com
g. Gremlin Transformation gremlintransformation.mystrikingly.com
h. Egostate Decontaminations decontaminations.mystrikingly.com
i. EHP Dojos ehpdojos.mystrikingly.com
j. Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes initiations.mystrikingly.com
k. Gameworld Building Skills gameworldtheory.mystrikingly.com
l. Agency personofagency.mystrikingly.com9. $2 million to print and distribute for free tens of thousands of certain Thoughtware Press books thoughtwarepress.mystrikingly.com, in particular:
a. Cavitation: the emergence of Archiarchy (in 10 languages)b. Goodnight Feelings (in 10 languages)
c. Conscious Feelings (in 10 languages)
d. Building Love That Lasts (in 10 Languages)
e. Archiarchy: responsible human culture on Earth (in 10 languages)10. $1 million to make a documentary adventure film about Possibility Management with Betsy Chasse (director of What The Bleep Do We Know?). possibilitymanagement.mystrikingly.com
11. $1 million to make a script and apply seed money for a Television Series out of the book Cavitation: the emergence of Archiarchy, by Clinton Callahan. cavitation.mystrikingly.com
12. $1 million to build out and fund the United Network of Nanonations
a. nanonations.mystrikingly.com
b. medium.com/next-culture/100-million-nanonations-f142a383fe3bd. regenerateearthgoals.mystrikingly.com
13. $10 million to build out and manage the completion of Paolo Soleri’s Arcology in Cordes Junction, Arizona, USA to its full and original design arcosanti.org
NOTE: This adds up to only $97 million. I reserve the $3 million, for now, as a contingency and project management fund.
(revised 15 October 2023 by Luís Trindade)
1. 25 Million $
Water Renewal and (P)Reservation Lands.
Reforestation, Water renovation.
A place to have the water that the Planet is about to miss out.
2. 15 Million $
Family Healing Center.
Women, Men, young adults, teenagers and children Transformation space.
- Families, Couples, Women and Men.
3. 15 Million $
Trainers Transformation Island.
A space prepared to welcome and deliver Transformation for People who transform others.
Potential new Trainers and already working Trainers come in to do Initiations, Processes, to share Wisdom and be transformed.
Yes. You are right. This only adds up to 55 Million dollars. Why is that? Why can I not assign the other 45 Million dollars? I don't know. I guess it is because I have the idea that if I assign away all the money, then I will be left with nothing. When you ask me about this, I only feel fear. Good question. I will look further into this. It seems like I am ready for an Emotional Healing Process, or ten...
(revised 27 October 2023 by Tristan Girdwood)
1. Purchase land title for the Ontree Centre + building / renovating an Initiation Centre + accommodation and houses around it. 20M $
2. Create an Archiarchy River (savings pool) for Bridge-Houses land & building title purchase, where Archans can use the money interest-free. 20M $
3. Fund a research / mission Team to connect to top influential culture creators on Earth and inform them / initiate them into Archiarchy. 10M $
4. Fund large-scale purchase of land titles for reserves, food forests and permaculture projects. Spaceholders must be committed to 10 Possibility Labs & be in Possibilitator Training. 50M $
It turns out that bringing the following 5 Resources together into one configuration
has the transformational power to invent ecstatic new human culture that never existed on Earth before.
You are now encountering the Possibility of calling forth this Domain of Creation.
The question is, what are you going to do about it?
Archan Law comes to life through Possibilitators building out Archan infrastructure by combining Radical Responsibility, Universal Jurisdiction, Citizen's Arrest, and Bounty Hunting. The 'boys' will be boys held accountable. Impunity does not exist in a responsible Universe. Irresponsibility is an illusion.
Possibilitator Training supports Edgeworkers in small Teams around the world to develop absurdly effective transformational skill levels in Nonmaterial Archan professions that modern culture has never even heard of. Just because you never learned it before does not mean you cannot learn it now.
Individuals and small groups are moving their Point of Origin into Radical Responsibility for effectively Stewarding 100 Million Dollars. They have already developed a clear Gameplan for what to do with it. This way the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.) has an interesting reason to give it to them.
What is a Team that unleasehes potentials, knacks, ecstasy, and goup intelligence for the purpose of awareness expansion rather than the purpose of seeking material gain on a planet of limited material resources? That Team is a Growness. Growness replaces Business in Archiarchy. Ordinary resource limitations of the material world no longer apply when you jack-into Infinite Resources.
When the stakes are high and the answers are few, the conscious Nonlinear and Unreasonable resources of your Gremlin provide massive leverage. But your Gremlin is only trained to compete to win against other Gremlins. How can you initiate your Gremlin into Radically Responsible co-creation? Through Gremlin Transformation School. Suddenly you have creative allies rather than sneaky competitors.
When someone with 100 Million Dollars wants to Steward a gameworld that does not implement Gremlin Violence, then Bounty Hunters have a job to do. For example, the ICC (International Criminal Court in the Hague) in March 2023 issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s rights commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova, for allegedly deporting thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia. Where are the Bounty Hunters?
Experiments With 100 Million Dollars
No one can experiment for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from experimenting.
Experimenting builds Matrix for collecting more consciousness.
With more consciousness, you see more options to choose from, including the frightening ones.
What you decide, however, is still up to you.
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Matrix Code 100MILLI.00
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Matrix Code 100MILLI.00
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Matrix Code 100MILLI.00
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayeronline-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate yourpoint of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what youthink about. Your thoughtware is what you useto think with. When you change your thoughtware,you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring uptransformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade yourthoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points wewill change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading thiswhole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code 100MILLI.00 to log yourMatrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!